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Ïîñëåäíèå îáíîâëåíèÿ: 5/31/2022 2:10:00 PM | ||||||||||
Äîêëàäû íà êîíôåðåíöèÿõ,
ñèìïîçóìàõ 48. "Èññëåäîâàíèå ïðîåêòèðîâàíèÿ Àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííîé Òåïëèöû íà Òåõíîëîãèè SCADA.". Dr. Ciclicci Vladimir, Dr. Andronic Serghei. Chisinau-2022, 14pg. Download
47. "Automated system for monitoring the verticality and dynamic parameters of masts/towers". The 15 Computational Civil Enginiering Conference. Iasi, Romania, May30-31, 2019. V. Ciclicci, V. Chiriac, M. Iacob. Download
46. "Continuity of ITS Services And Cooperative ITS: EU ITS Directive".
3rd workshop of the SEE-ITS project. Timisoara, 28 March 2014.Vladimir Ciclicci, SOFTCOM, Republic of Moldova."Cloud computing and Mobile Internet in development and implementation of urban
ITS". Presentation 45. "Ýëåêòðîíèêà
– 2005". V
êîíôåðåíöèÿ. Ìîñêâà,
íîÿáðü 2005. 44. ICMCS05, International Conference on Microelectronics
and Computer Science. Chisinau, September 15-17, 2005. 43. ARA30. The 30th
Annual Congress of the 42. EUNIS2005 International Conference "Leadership & Strategy in a
Cyber-infrastructure world". 41. RoEduNet International Conference. IV International Conference On
Education, Training and Information / Communication Technologies. Sovata, Mures
County, Romania, in May 20 -22, 2005. 40. Tendincies of
Develoment of Information Society. International Conference. 9-10
December 2004, Academy of Economic
Studies, Moldova, Chiºinãu. 39. International
Investment Forum. Moldova Exposed to World Business. November 25-26,
2004. Chiºinãu. 38. Actual Problems of Stable
Economical Development. International Conference. Slavonic Institute.
Chisinau. 17-19 November, 2004. 37. InterAcademy Panel
Planning Meeting for the Access to Scientific Information/Digital Divide
Initiative. France Académie des Sciences. Paris, 18 November 2004. 36. Edifiction of
Information Society in 35. International
Collaboration Opportunities for Research and Technology Development in 34. BSUN2004. International
Conference. 7-12 October.
Chiºinãu. 33. NATO Advanced
Networking Workshop. The
Fourth CEENet Workshop on Network Management. October 8-12, 2004. ASE.
Chiºinãu 32. UTM-40. Conferinþa tehnico-ºtiinþificã
jubiliarã a colaboratorior, doctoranzilor ºi
studenþilor. 8-9 octombrie
2004, Chiºinau 31. EUNIS 2004. Bled
(Slovenia) 29 June – 2 July 2004 30. NATO Science
Committee - BSUN Workshop with Azeri Scientists. Baku State
University. 15th June 2004 29. RoEduNet International Conference. Networking
in Education&Research.Third Edition.Timiºoara, May 27-28 2004 28. BIT+2004. Chiºinãu. 3-7 mai 2004 27. SoftCOM 2003: 11th International Conference on
Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. October 07-10, 2003. 26. Networking in Education and Research. Second Edition RoEduNet International Conference, June 5-6, 25. Bit+2003: Conferinþa Internaþionalã Tehnologii Informaþionale,
Chiºinãu, 7-11 aprilie 2003. 24. Trends in the Development of the Information and Communication
Technologies in Education and Management. International Conference. March
20-21, 2003. Moldavian Fulbright Association American Councils for International
Education ACTR/ACCELS Academy of Economic Studies, Chisinau. 23. EUNIS2003: 9th
International Conference of 22. EUNIS2002, the 8th
International Conference of 21. 16. DFN - Arbeitstagung
uber Kommunikationsnetze in
Düsseldorf 21. - 24.5.2002. Düsseldorf. 20. A&QT-R 2002 (THETA 13). 2002
IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing,
Robotics. 19. ICII2001: International
Conferences on Info-Tech and Info-Net. ICII2001-Beijing,
Oct.29-Nov.1. 18. INET2001: The Internet Global 17. Bit2001+: 1st International Conference
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES - 2001. 4-6 April, 2001. Chisinau. 16. EUNIS2001: 7th
International Conference of 15. International
seminar (Nkcables, Nokia): Modern
cabling and telecommunications management. 2 of October, 2000. Voxtel GSM
operator, Chisinau. 14. International seminar (Nkcables,
Nokia): Modern cabling and telecommunications management. 1
of October, 2000. Moldcell GSM operator, Chisinau. 13. National Conference: Engineering - the
Pylon of Recovering of Economy. 7 of October, 2000. Chisinau. 12. ITPST-2000. 4-th International Scientific and Practical conference on Information
Transmission and Processing Systems and Tools. 6-14 of September 2000. 11. INET 2000: Global
Distributed Intelligence - for Everyone. 18-21 June, 2000. 10. ISN2000: Seventh
International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks. 9. International
symposium: "World of computers and
humanity: interactions and impacts". Chisinau, 28-29 October, 1999. Chiºinãu, C.I.E. "Moldexpo" 8. EUNIS'99: Information
Technology Shaping European Universities. 7-9 June, 1999. 7. ICDE'99: 19th
ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education. 6. INET'99: The Internet
Global 5. IET (ESC) - 98:
International Conference on Information and Electronic Technologies:
Efficiency, Security, Conflicts. 28-31 October, 1998, Chisinau Moldova.
4. EUNIS-98: Congress of
European Co-operation in Higher Education Information Systems. 21-22 September, 1998, Prague. Czech Republic. 3. MEASUREMENT-98:
International Conference on Actual Problems of Measurement Technique (dedicated
to 100-th anniversary of the "KPI"), 7-11 September, 1998. 1. ICMS-97: The II
International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science. 30-31
October, 1997. Chisinau. Moldova. Ñòàòüè (H - hard copy, W - web, CD - Compact Disk)
Vladimir Ciclicci, Vasile Chiriac, Mihail Iacob. Àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííàÿ ñèñòåìà ìîíèòîðèíãà äèíàìè÷åñêèõ ïàðàìåòðîâ è âåðòèêàëüíîñòè àíòåííûõ ñîîðóæåíèé ìà÷ò/áàøåí. Chisinau, 2018.
Sidorenco V. Broadband e-infrastructure development in Moldova for e-science and e-learning services. IT-Moldova. Revista informativ-publicitarã, ITU-D Regional Development Forum for Europe and CIS. NGN and Broadband, Opportunities and challenges. 24-26 August 2009, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ñïåöèàëüíûé âûïóñê. P. 15-21. ISSN 1857-4033.
Sidorenco V. Security framework for European scientific grid computing. Proceedings of ITSEC-2007-1st Internatonal Workshop on Information Technologies and Scurity 2007, 15-16 Oct.2007. Ed. Veacselav Perju.-Ch.:UTM 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-069-0. P. 235-242.
×èêëèê÷è Â., Êóäðÿêîâ À., Àíàöêèé À., Ñèäîðåíêî Â., Ñèäîðåíêî Ä., Ñóêëèÿí Â., Ïóñòîâàëîâ Ñ., Åðåìåé Ã. Àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííàÿ ñèñòåìà óïðàâëåíèÿ ó÷àñòêîì ïîäà÷è ñûðüÿ. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on „Radioelectronics, Informatics and Technology”, October 15-16, 2008 Chiºinãu, Moldova,- Ch.: UTM, 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-092-8. P. 66-69.
×èêëèê÷è Â., Ñèäîðåíêî Ä., Ñèäîðåíêî Â., Êóäðÿêîâ À., Â.Àëåêñååíêî, Åðåìåé Ã., Àíàöêèé À., Ïóñòîâàëîâ Ñ., Ñóêëèÿí Â. Ñèñòåìà óïðàâëåíèÿ òÿãîâûìè ïîäñòàíöèÿìè ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî ýëåêòðîòðàíñïîðòà SCADA RTEC. ÑÒÀ. Ñîâðåìåííûå òåõíîëîãèè àâòîìàòèçàöèè. N 4, 2008 (49). ISSN 0206-975X. C. 40-45.
Altuhov A., Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., Sidorenco V., Secure and Reliable Operation of Research and Educational Networking Infrastructure. “Secure Telematic Applications for National Scale Projects” (NATO ARW proceedings). NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. D: Information and Communication Security. /Ed. J.-G. Fontaine and M. Makhaniok - Vol. 20. IOS Press. 2008. ISBN 978-1-58603-934-9. ISSN 1874-6268. P. 97-102.
Sidorenco V. Grid de calcul: tehnologia, arhitectura ºi viitorul. Conferinþa internaþionalã Tehnologii Informaþionale Bit+. Ediþia a VII-a. Culegerea de abstracte. 24-26 aprilie 2007. Chiºinãu, Moldova. Ch:MoldInfoNet, 2008. P. 61-62.-ISBN 978-9975-9728-0-2.
Sidorenco V. Intelligent Document Technologies for e-Government Services. Conferinþa internaþionalã Tehnologii Informaþionale Bit+. Ediþia a VIII-a. Culegerea de abstracte. 15-17 aprilie 2008. Chiºinãu, Moldova. Ch:MoldInfoNet, 2008. P. 19-23.-ISBN 978-9975-9728-0-2.
Sidorenco V. Evolution of National broadband communications infrastructure and services. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, May 15-18, 2008 Chiºinãu, Moldova,- Ch.: UTM, 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9. Vol.1. 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-083-6.P. 19-30.
×èêëèê÷è Â., Ñèäîðåíêî Â., Êóäðÿêîâ À. Èíôîðìàöèîííàÿ ñèñòåìà óïðàâëåíèÿ î÷åðåäÿìè. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, May 15-18, 2008 Chiºinãu, Moldova,- Ch.: UTM, 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9. Vol.1. 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-083-6.P. 271-276.
Sidorenco V., Andronic S. Grid Services and Middleware. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, May 15-18, 2008 Chiºinãu, Moldova,- Ch.: UTM, 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9. Vol.1. 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-083-6.P. 379-284.
Pocotilenco V., Altuhov A., Bogatencov P., Sidorenco V. Certification Authority – the key element in grid security infrastructure. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, May 15-18, 2008 Chiºinãu, Moldova,- Ch.: UTM, 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9. Vol.1. 2008.-ISBN 978-9975-45-083-6.P. 389-394.
Ñèäîðåíêî Â., ×èêëèê÷è Â. Ïåðñïåêòèâû ðàçâèòèÿ øèðîêîïîëîñíîé òåëåêîììóíèêàöèè â ãîñóäàðñòâåííûõ è êîðïîðàòèâíûõ ñåòÿõ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà íà 2008-2009 ãã. Softcom S.A. Chiºinãu, 2007. 78 p.
Sidorenco V. Grid de calcul: tehnologia, arhitectura ºi viitorul. Conferinþa internaþionalã Tehnologii Informaþionale Bit+. Ediþia a VII-a. Culegerea de abstracte. 24-26 aprilie 2007. Chiºinãu, Moldova. Ch:MoldInfoNet, 2008. P. 61-62.-ISBN 978-9975-9728-0-2.
Ciclicci V., Muntean I.O., Sidorenco V. Implementation of Telecommunications Management Systems in Moldova and Romania. Culeg. de artiocole „1 Conferinþa Nationalã de Telecomunicaþii, Electronicã ºi Informaticã”. Chiºinãu, UTM, 2006, p. 30-33.
×èêëèê÷è Â.Â., Êóäðÿêîâ À.Â. Ñèñòåìà óïðàâëåíèÿ òÿãîâûìè ïîäñòàíöèÿìè ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî òðàíñïîðòíîãî ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ. Òðóäû 7-îé Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêîé êîíôåðåíöèè “Ñîâðåìåííûå èíôîðìàöèîííûå è ýëåêòðîííûå òåõíîëîãèè”, 22-26 ìàÿ 2006. Îäåññà, Óêðàèíà. Òîì 1. Ñ. 12
Sidorenco V. Portal de e-guvernare: de la tranzacþii spre servicii la cerere. Abstracts of VI International Conference “Information Technologies – 2006”, Chiºinãu, Republic of Moldova, 11-13 April 2006. Chisinau: Moldinfonet, 2006. Vol.6. ISBN 978-9975-9728-5-7. P. 39-40.
Sidorenco V. Providing Mobile Access to a Public Services Billing System. Proceedings of eChallenges e2005 International Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 19-21, 2005. Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. /Eds Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham, 2005 IOS Press Amsterdam, ISBN 1-58603-563-0. P. 345-348.
45. ×èêëèê÷è. Â.,
Ñèäîðåíêî Â.,
Êóäðÿêîâ À. Êîìïëåêñíàÿ
ïðåäïðèÿòèåì. V
êîíôåðåíöèÿ "Ýëåêòðîíèêà
– 2005" Ìîñêâà,
íîÿáðü 2005. 44. Sidorenco V., Ciclicci V., Alexeenco V., Cudreacov A., Maslo V., Anatschii A., Sidorenco D., Alexeenco A.
Distributed enterprise management system for electrical transportation registry
of Chisinau city. Proceedings of 4th International
Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science. (Volume II).
September 15-17, 2005. Chisinau, Elan Poligraf. 2005. P. 222-225. 43. Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., Covalenco I., Sidorenco V., Varzari B. e-learning and e-science
infrastructure of Moldova. Proceedings of 4th International
Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science. (Volume II). September
15-17, 2005. Chisinau, Elan Poligraf.
2005. P. 489-492. 42. Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., 41. Sidorenco V. Distributed enterprise management approach
to e-government IT system architecture. Bit+ 2005 International Conference on Information
Technologies. Chisinau. 2005. 40. Ciclicci V., 39. Sidorenco V. Architecture
of Wap-Enabled Data Access System. Conferinþa
tehnico-ºtiinþificã jubiliarã
a colaboratorior, doctoranzilor
ºi studenþilor
UTM 40. 8-9 octombrie 2004,
Chiºinau. (H). 38.
V. Sidorenco. Evoluþia Infrastructurii
Telecomunicaþiilor in Republica
E. Peplow, P. Bogatencov,
T. Cibotaru, G. Secrieru,
V. Sidorenco, B. Varzari, I.Covalenco. RENAM MAN ATM Fiber Optic Based Backbone
Project. Proceedings of RoEduNet
International Conference. Networking in Education&Research.
Third Edition. 35. Sidorenco V. Problems of Development of Electronic
Academic & Research Infrastructure of 34. Erich Peplow,
Octavian V. Rusu, Grigory Secrieru, Peter Bogatencov and Veaceslav Sidorenco. Building Direct Link Between National Academic Networks of 33.
P. Bogatencov, T. Cibotaru,
I.Covalemco, A.Goncearuc,
G. Secrieru, V.Sidorenco, B.Varzari. RENAM: NREN of 32. Sidorenco V. WAP-enabled system for mobile access to
corporate information. Proceedings of Bit+ 2004 International conference. Chiºinãu. (H). 31. Sidorenco V. European
Commission Vision of Telecommunications Services Indicators. International Conference
“Tendencies of the Information Society Development” 9-10 December
2004. ASE, Chiºinãu. (H). 30. Ciclicci V., Sidorenco V. Aspectele edificãrii
sistemului informatic naþional ºi a portalului Republicii 29. Sidorenco V., Ciclicci V., Dolenco S. Architecture of RomTMN: Heterogeneous Network Management System. SoftCOM 2003: 11th
International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks.
October 07-10, 2003. 28. V.Ciclicci, V. Sidorenco, S.Dolenco, E.Ciumac, R.Albu,
S.Stanila, V.Doni, V.Alexeenco. Complexul
Informaþional de Facturare a Serviciilor dotat cu portaluri Web ºi
WAP. Trends in the Development of the Information and Communication
Technologies in Education and Management. International Conference. March
20-21, 2003. Moldavian Fulbright Association American Councils for International
Education ACTR/ACCELS Academy of Economic Studies, Chisinau. 27. V.Sidorenco, V.Ciclicci, S.Dolenco. Heterogeneous Networks Management System
having GIS and Web Based Interfaces. Networking
in Education and Research. Second Edition RoEduNet International Conference, June 5-6, 26. V.Sidorenco. UNIMOB: A System for 25. V.Ciclicci, V.Sidorenco,
S.Dolenco. Architecture of Corporate Informational Management and Service
Portal for Mobile Communications Operator. International Informatization Academy in Consultative
Status (Category I) with United Nations. Branch of R. Moldova. Acta Academia.
Chiºinau: Evrica, 2002. P. 141-154. (H) 24. V.Sidorenco. Project of XML-based e-Learning Courses for Training Users of
Telecommunications Management Systems. Proceedings
of EUNIS2002, the 8th International Conference of 23. V.Sidorenco, V.Ciclicci, S.Dolenco, R. Dorogan. Complex Networks Management
Systems with Geoinformation Presentation of Objects
under Management. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings. J. von
Knop, W.Haverkamp (Hrsg.). Zukunft der Netze. Die Verletbarkeit meistern. Vol.P17. 16. DFN-Arbeitstagung
uber Kommunikationsnetze in
Düsseldorf. Gesselshaft für Informatik.
2002. P.197-209. (H) 22. V.Ciclicci, I.O.Muntean, T.Budura-Rusu, V.Sidorenco, S.Dolenco, S.Pustovalov, R.Dorogan, R.Albu, C.Cazac, V.Maslo, G.Eremei. Architecture of Fault Management Subsystem
of RomTMN H Telecommunications Management System. Proceedings
of A&QT-R 2002 (THETA 13). 2002
IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing,
Robotics. 21. V.Sidorenco, V.Ciclicci,
S.Dolenco, R. Dorogan. RomTMN HD: Web and
GIS based Integral Network Management System. International
Conferences on Info-Tech and Info-Net ICII2001, 20. V.Sidorenco, V.Ciclicci, S.Dolenco, R.Dorogan, I.O.Muntean, T.Budura-Rusu. Web
and GIS-based management of wide area telecommunications systems: Case study
for RomTMN HD. 1st International Conference
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES - 2001”. Chiºinãu. 4-6 April, 2001. 9 P. (H under publishing). 19. V.Ciclicci, I.O.Muntean, T.Budura-Rusu, V.Sidorenco, S.Dolenco, S.Pustovalov, R.Dorogan, C.Cazac, V.Maslo, G.Eremei. Fault Management Service in complex telecommunications management
system 18. Ciclicci V.V., Sidorenco
V., Dolenco S.I., Pustovalov
S., Dorogan R. Main
principles of implementation of complex telecommunications management system.
Proceedings of ITPST-2000. 4-th
International Scientific and Practical conference on Information Transmission
and Processing Systems and Tools. 6-14 of September 2000. 17. Sidorenco V., Ciclicci
V.V., Dolenco S.I., Dorogan
R. National Telecommunications Network Mnagement Systems: Case Study for 16. Ciclicci V.V., Muntean
I.O., Budura-Rusu T., Sidorenco
V., Dolenco S.I., Dorogan
R. Pustovalov S. The architecture of telecommunications
management system. Transport and communications,
Nr 2, 2000. P. 54-61. In Romanian. H 15. Ciclicci V.V., Sidorenco
V., Dolenco S.I., Dorogan
R. Pustovalov S. Integrated
telecommunications management systems. Transport and
communications, Nr 1, 2000. P. 48-52. In Romanian. H 14. Ciclicci V.V., Muntean
I.O., Budura-Rusu T., Sidorenco
V., Dolenco S.I., Dorogan
R. Pustovalov S. Regional
system of complex management of
telecommunications of Hunedoara county. 13. Sidorenco V., Ciclicci
V., Dolenco S., Dorogan R. Architecture of Network Management System
Having Geoinformation Presentation of Objects under
Management. Congreso Innternacional
de Computacion CIC'99. Memoria. 15-19 12. Sidorenco V., Ciclicci
V., Dorogan R. GeoPING: a System for Real-Space Networks Monitor. International symposium:
"World of computers and humanity – interactions and impacts".
Chisinau, 28-29 October, 1999. Chiºinãu,
C.I.E. "Moldexpo" 11. Ciclicci V., Sidorenco
V., Dorogan R., S. Dolenco.
Distant monitoring of
transmission systems. International symposium: "World of computers
and humanity – interactions and impacts". Chisinau, 28-29 October, 1999. Chiºinãu, C.I.E. "Moldexpo"
10. Sidorenco V. GIS-Enhanced
TCP/IP Networks Monitor System. Proceedings of INET'99: The Internet Global
9. Ciclicci V.V., Sidorenco
V. Dolenko S.I. Complex
management system for telecommunications of 8. Ciclicci V.V., Sidorenco
V. Dolenko S.I. Basic
components of the complex automated telecommunications management system MoldTMN. 7. Ciclicci V.V., Dolenko
S.I. and Sidorenco V. Test and Monitor Subsystem of National Telecommunications Management
System. MEASUREMENT-98. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Actual Problems of Measurement Technique (dedicated
to 100-th anniversary of the "KPI") Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-11 September,
1998. P. 272-273. H 6. Ciclicci V.V., Dolenko
S.I., Sidorenco V. The Architecture of National Integrated
Telecommunications Management System. 5. Ciclicci V.V., Dolenko
S.I., Sidorenco V.V., Kitsul
A.I. A System for Wide-Area Networks
Distributed Monitor and Diagnostics. DDP'98: Proceedings of the Sixth
International Workshop Distributed Data Processing. 4. Sidorenco V. Web-Based
Telecommunications Systems Management. Proceedings of EUNIS-98: Congress of
European Co-operation in Higher Education Information Systems. 21-22 September, 1998, 3. Sidorenco V. Distance
Help and Education Subsystem of National TMN. Teleteaching'98.
Distance Learning, Training and Education. Short Papers.
Part III. XV IFIP World Computer Congress. 31 August - 1. Âûñòàâêè 7. 6. TEHNOPOLIS 2001. 29-30
of September 2001. Deva ( 5. COMINFO-2000. April 2000, 4. Expo-business-Chiºinãu,
Internet-99, Infoinvent-99. October 1999, 3. COMINFO-99. April 1999, 2. MOLDTELECOM - 30 Years. 17 May
1998, 1. COMINFO-MOLDOVA-98. 7-10 April 1998, Chisinau, Moldova.
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