UTP25 25.6 Mbps Network Module
Technical Specifications:
Port Capacity: Six TP25 ports per module
Data Rate: 25.6 Mbps
Output Buffer: 2,560 cells
Unicast Connection Capacity: 11,264
Multicast Connection Capacity: 1,024
Media: Category 3, 4, or 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair
Maximum Line Length: 333 feet (100 meters)
Connectors: RJ-45
Line encoding: 4B/5B with Non-Return to Zero Inverted
Clock Accuracy: ±100 ppm
Timing: Primary and Secondary 8 kHz reference from
internal (default) or network
Loopbacks: Receive loopbacks
Impedance: 100 ohms nominal
Statistics/Alarms: Loss of Signal (LOS), Header Check
Sequence errors counter (HCS), Symbol error counter, Cells Transmitted,
Cells Received, 8 kHz Timing Detection
Compliance: ATM Forum AF-PHY-0040.000, ITU-T I.432